Monday, November 1, 2010

Flavian through High Empire-Trajan for exam 3- post 4

Plebeian Art-readablility, pack in information, coexists with more official art
Basilica Ulpia-covered area by a roof
Rotunda-round base of the building
Oculus-hole on the top of a dome
Portico-covered porch with columns

Funerary Relief of a circus official
Ostia, Italy
Plebeian Art

Funerary Relief
from Amiternum
Augustan-same as circus relief
unconcerned with sizes
trying to show depth

Tomb of the Haterii
Mrs. Hateriis
She is shown biggest-most important
Plebeian style

High Empire: Trajan

Trajan: 3 locks of hair, similar to Augustus-the new Augustus

Apollodorus of Damascus, Forum and Markets of Trajan
Uses money from a successful Dacian campaign
ties himself to Augustus
Column of Trajan, 2 Libraries, Basilica Ulpia-covered area-2 football fields

Basilica Ulpia

Column of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
used as funerary
originally shows the victory against the Dacian's
Trajan was at the top until replaced by St. Peter

High Empire-Hadrian

Hadrian-shown with a beard, linking himself to the Greeks
Hadrian or later-eyes carved out

Hadrian's Wall
Fort at Housesteads
Typical Roman fort-basis for medieval castles

Pantheon of Hadrian

Temple to all the Gods
Obelisk from Egypt


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