Monday, October 11, 2010

Classical 4th Century Painting

Alexander the Great
Roman copy of Lysippos Sculpture

Alexander the Great-young man, comes to the throne around age 18, his father is Ruler of Macedonia

Empire of Alexander the Great

Campaigns to battle the Persians, defeats the Persian Ruler, and takes of Persian Empire. Largest Empire.

Philoxenos of Eretria (artisit)
Battle of Issus
310 BC
Pompeii, late second, or early first century
Copied 200 years later
greeks are victorious in defeating the persians, neutral colors, no background elements


Alexander is always shown:
un bearded
mane of hair

Pella, Northern Greece
large scale pebble mosaic

Gnosis (artist)
Stag Hunt
Pella, Greece
Pebble Mosaic
shown nude, although they don't hunt nude, heads are bigger than most 4th century sculpture

Vergina, Greece
Great Tumulus
Tombs I-III

3 tombs found
I young woman
III young boy-alexander's only son?
II Older man, wealthy-alexander's father?

Tomb II
unrobbed, bronze items, silver vessels, gold, ivory, 2 chambers, armor for lower legs
suggests a rush to the burial
Hunt Scene
4th Century
nude, hunting stags, simple backgrounds

Tomb I
Hades abducting Persephone
sketchy face, red color (rare)

Classical 4th Century Architecture

Choragic (chorus) Monument of Lysikrates
victory, Corinthian order

Priene (Turkey)
Hippodamian (orthogonal) plan
grid plan, N/S roads very steep

Hellenistic Art and Architecture

divided amongst generals

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