Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nero and The Flavian Dynasty - for Exam 3 - Post 3

Nero, last Julio-Claudian
Thick neck
Famous for standing on the
walls of Rome playing fiddle while
Rome burns down. He blames the

Golden Palace of Nero
Domus Aurea
100 acres
lake and gardens

Severus and Celer
octagonal hall of the Domus Aurea of Nero

First Dome
Still standing

The Early Empire: The Flavian Dynasty
(Vespasian, Tow sons: Titus and Domitian)

Portrait of Vespasian
shows himself with wrinkles
disassociates himself with the neoclaudians

Coloseum (Flavian Amphitheater)
Filled in Nero's lake
Nero's statue left outside
Free Events for the people
Built quickly-5-10 years
50,000-60,000 people
Cut Stone
76 Entrances
Ionic Order
Corinthian Order
Doric Order


Seneca, On the Games
Pliny the Younger, On Christian

Arch of Titus
Triumphal Arch
More entertainment

Spoils of Jerusalem
Relief Panel from the Arch of Titus

Monday, October 25, 2010

Early Empire - for exam 3 - post 2

Roman Chronology

Republican Period 510-27 BC
Civil Wars
Julius Caesar assassinated
Octavian(grand nephew) defeats Anthony and Cleopatra at Actium
Octavian adopts the title of Augustus

Imperial Period 27 BCE-330 AD
Early Empire: Julio Claudians, Flavians
High Empire: Trajan, Hadrian, Antonines
Late Empire: Severans, Tetarchy, Constantine

Early Empire: The Julio-Claudian Dynasty

Seven Hills of Rome

*Capitoline-religious area, she wolf, sacrifices

Forum Romanum, Basillca Aemilla


Portrait of Augustus as General
from Primaporta
never shown aged
three locks of hair on forehead
somewhat idealized
cupid at his feet-reference to aphrodite (cupids mom)
this links him to being a direct descendant of a God
classic greek elements: controppasto pose, drapery,
resembles the spear bearer
Italic elements: hand gesture, recognizable features
Combination of Italic and classic Greek Sculpture

Sphinx on shoulder-reference to Cleopatra
references to many Gods
reference to peace
Sky God

Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace

Classical Greek Manner
Fertility of Roma

Lares and Pinates-small statues that protect the house
Show that he is establishing his home in Rome

Children included to show fertility
shows many generations of peaceful procession

Tomb of Augustus
Similar to an Etruscan Tomb
Obelisk like in Egypt

Friday, October 22, 2010

For the next Exam!

Domus-Roman House
Atriuim-front room with skylight where ancestor portraits and masks were displayed, impluvium is in it
Impluvium-room with pool, catch water
Tablinum-meeting room for the head of the family
Peristyle garden-private area with garden
Lararium for lares and penates- gods of households, small shrine for those gods, leave them treats, first thing people took when they were fleeing the house
Faiyum Portrait-portrait painted of mummified people
Encaustic-wax painting

Houses had painting working fountains, people had pet dogs, pools with fish or eels, many wild dogs

Roman Painting: Republic-Imperial Periods
Frescos from the Houses

Roman Painting Styles

1st Masonry Style 200-80 BC Photo treatment to the wall to make it look like stone, but its plaster (Republican)
2nd Pictorial Style, 80-15 BC Figures begin showing up, scenes, animals... (Republican)
3rd Decorative Style, 15BC-45AD Shapes, small images (Imperial)
4th Combination Style 45-100AD Combines all three styles (Imperial)

Masonry Style Wall painting in the Samnite House
Herculaneum Italy
late second century BC

Masonry Style
House of Sallust

Pictorial Style
trompe l'oeil wall painting
Villa at Boscoreale

Pictorial Style
Villa of the Mysteries

Painting in room, gives us the idea of their secret initiation and cults

One male boy, the rest or weird male creatures with tales and such (sadors)
Startled woman looking at something
Woman with wings holding a whip, leather boots, short skirt

Woman about to be whipped, initiation?

Pictorial Style
Garden Scape
Villa of Livia, Primaporta
leads to 3rd style

Decorative Style
Villa at Boscotrecase
Combination Style
House of the Vettii

Subject Matter in Roman Painting

Historical Scenes and Sculptures
Scenes and Sculptures of Myths
Scenes from Dramatic Productions
Atmospheric Perspectives (fading into the mist)
Still Life
Encaustic (portraits of mummified people, Faiyum Portraits)-become more generic later

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Art of the Etruscans

The Etruscans
Untranslated language
Influenced by Greek culture

Between Arno and the Tiber rivers

Typical Etruscan Temple of the 6th Century
(as described by Vitruvius)
One or more cella's pushed back on the platform, 
columns in the front, raised up on a platform,
sculpture on the roofline

Portonaccio Temple
Veii, Italy
End of Archaic period-Archaic smile

buggy eyes, archaic smile, similar hair, Hermes, terra-cotta 

Roof of the PortonaccioTemple
hair reacts to the shoulder, movement in the statue, 
clothed-as opposed to nude as gods usually are

Porta Augusta, Perugia
decorating the arch with greek architecture-very influential later
key stone, stronger than post and lintel, 
distributes the weight better-like a relieving triangle
groin vault-extrememly strong

Porta Marzia (Gate of Mars)
Second century BC

Cerveteri, necropolis
hollow out rock, leave doorway, has roads almost like a city

Interior of the Tomb of the Reliefs
Cerveteri, Italy
3rd century BC
bed in the walls with stone pillows, carved reliefs

Tomb of the Leopards
Tarquinia, Italy
480-470 BC
scenes of banqueting, sitting on beds, lively, servants are nude,
darker and lighter figures(female vs. male)
abnormal for woman and men to be lying down together during a banquet,
greeks assume that all Etruscan woman are prostitutes

Etruscan woman are more equal:
shown loving
shown eating together
buried with their husbands

Tomb of Hunting and Fishing
Tarquinua, Italy
530-520 BC

young boys hunting and fishing, very unusual tomb for the time period
real landscape elements-unlike greeks

loving embrace

Capitoline She Wolf with Romulus(founder of Rome) and Remus(son of a mortal man-mars- and Goddess Aphrodite)
From Rome, Italy
traditional date is 753 BC
500-480 BC
common symbol for Rome, even though its Etruscan based
naturalistic kids-a later edition, were there originally and then put back

Brutus 300 BC
509 BC-expulsion of the Etruscans from Rome
(because of the rape of Brutus's wife)

Becomes the Roman Empire....

Hellenistic Period

Alexander the Great
Altar of Zeus
at Pergamon

Hellenistic art:

Laocoon Group
Corera Marble
Italian Artist?
Portrays Latin Myth-devored with two children, 
suggests Roman creation (copy) added the second son

Monday, October 11, 2010

Classical 4th Century Painting

Alexander the Great
Roman copy of Lysippos Sculpture

Alexander the Great-young man, comes to the throne around age 18, his father is Ruler of Macedonia

Empire of Alexander the Great

Campaigns to battle the Persians, defeats the Persian Ruler, and takes of Persian Empire. Largest Empire.

Philoxenos of Eretria (artisit)
Battle of Issus
310 BC
Pompeii, late second, or early first century
Copied 200 years later
greeks are victorious in defeating the persians, neutral colors, no background elements


Alexander is always shown:
un bearded
mane of hair

Pella, Northern Greece
large scale pebble mosaic

Gnosis (artist)
Stag Hunt
Pella, Greece
Pebble Mosaic
shown nude, although they don't hunt nude, heads are bigger than most 4th century sculpture

Vergina, Greece
Great Tumulus
Tombs I-III

3 tombs found
I young woman
III young boy-alexander's only son?
II Older man, wealthy-alexander's father?

Tomb II
unrobbed, bronze items, silver vessels, gold, ivory, 2 chambers, armor for lower legs
suggests a rush to the burial
Hunt Scene
4th Century
nude, hunting stags, simple backgrounds

Tomb I
Hades abducting Persephone
sketchy face, red color (rare)

Classical 4th Century Architecture

Choragic (chorus) Monument of Lysikrates
victory, Corinthian order

Priene (Turkey)
Hippodamian (orthogonal) plan
grid plan, N/S roads very steep

Hellenistic Art and Architecture

divided amongst generals