Friday, October 22, 2010

For the next Exam!

Domus-Roman House
Atriuim-front room with skylight where ancestor portraits and masks were displayed, impluvium is in it
Impluvium-room with pool, catch water
Tablinum-meeting room for the head of the family
Peristyle garden-private area with garden
Lararium for lares and penates- gods of households, small shrine for those gods, leave them treats, first thing people took when they were fleeing the house
Faiyum Portrait-portrait painted of mummified people
Encaustic-wax painting

Houses had painting working fountains, people had pet dogs, pools with fish or eels, many wild dogs

Roman Painting: Republic-Imperial Periods
Frescos from the Houses

Roman Painting Styles

1st Masonry Style 200-80 BC Photo treatment to the wall to make it look like stone, but its plaster (Republican)
2nd Pictorial Style, 80-15 BC Figures begin showing up, scenes, animals... (Republican)
3rd Decorative Style, 15BC-45AD Shapes, small images (Imperial)
4th Combination Style 45-100AD Combines all three styles (Imperial)

Masonry Style Wall painting in the Samnite House
Herculaneum Italy
late second century BC

Masonry Style
House of Sallust

Pictorial Style
trompe l'oeil wall painting
Villa at Boscoreale

Pictorial Style
Villa of the Mysteries

Painting in room, gives us the idea of their secret initiation and cults

One male boy, the rest or weird male creatures with tales and such (sadors)
Startled woman looking at something
Woman with wings holding a whip, leather boots, short skirt

Woman about to be whipped, initiation?

Pictorial Style
Garden Scape
Villa of Livia, Primaporta
leads to 3rd style

Decorative Style
Villa at Boscotrecase
Combination Style
House of the Vettii

Subject Matter in Roman Painting

Historical Scenes and Sculptures
Scenes and Sculptures of Myths
Scenes from Dramatic Productions
Atmospheric Perspectives (fading into the mist)
Still Life
Encaustic (portraits of mummified people, Faiyum Portraits)-become more generic later

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