Friday, October 8, 2010

High Classical Sculpture

5th Century
Polykleitos (artist) Spear Bearer
Pliny the Elder (author), Natural History, chapters on the history of art
Canon of Proportions - based on the head, developed by Polykleitos
(copy because of the base and the tree trunk, not in bronze)

Pliny the Elder, author, died in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius
(in text reader)

Classical 4th Century Sculpture-Late Classical

Mausoleum of Halikarnasos (Turkey)
Classical 4th Century
square base, raised up as a pyramid, sculptural group on top of horses and the couple in a chariot, decorated by the greeks

1 of the 7 wonders of the ancient world
Mausolos, Persian satrap
Wife Artemisia

Sculpture from the Mausoleum of Halikarnasos
smaller head, persians (bigger body), idealized, but more of a portrait, no more wet drapery, wool clothing, deeper inset of eyes which makes them look sad, contrasting textures

Frieze from the Mausoleum of Halikarnasos
fighting the Amazons, amazon girl is being shown nude

Different proportions
Deeper carved eyes
Female nudity
Contrasting textures

Praxiteles (artist) Hermes and the Infant Dionysos
Temple of Hera, Olympia
is it a copy or not? baby of Zeus, due to an affair, given to Hermes the messenger, dangling grapes in front of Dionysos (god of wine), S curve-trademark of Praxiteles

Praxiteles (artist) Aphrodite of Knidos
copy, female nudity, Aphrodite is often nude because she embodies perfection, ready for a bath

Lysippos (artist) Scraper-using a strigil)
Canon of Proportions
cleaning himself, Lysippos is credited for writing down canon of proportions and for making truly 3D sculptures

Lysippos (artist), Weary Herakales
copy, larger than the original, Herakles carries the lion skin and the club, apples in his hand

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